Triple aim healthcare
Triple aim healthcare

The Triple Aim is an exciting challenge that will ideally yield a healthier and more robust US healthcare system.

triple aim healthcare

Or, at the very least, if they have chronic conditions and several comorbidities that make it nearly impossible for them not to regularly utilize healthcare services, hospitals will have the means to treat them as economically as possible. If patients are healthier, they won’t be utilizing services as much. In addition to health improvement at the community level, care innovations will be a byproduct of working with patients, instead of the traditional model where the patient has little to no say in their treatment plan.

triple aim healthcare

The hope is that if healthcare systems can identify patients who are likely to have complicated-and costly-healthcare needs, they can better support them in education, motivation and treatment of their chronic conditions. Hospitals nationwide are beginning to develop targeted, disease specific programs that will work with physicians to improve patient health and be a liaison between patients and physicians when it comes to care coordination and decision-making. Quite a bit of the US healthcare landscape has already shifted in a positive direction in terms of helping hospitals achieve Triple Aim outcomes: ACOs, bundled payments, changing our primary care models to incorporate shared decision making and patient-centered medical homes, and of course, the ongoing integration and development of new technology, inching us closer to the “one patient, one record” concept. Scale up testing for populations – look at the community you serve first, those are your potential patients: by understanding their socioeconomic and health state at a population level, you’ll better predict their needs.Develop a project that will show your progress and evidence to support system-wide change.Find out and define what your system’s aims and measures will be.Identifying target (or at-risk) populations.The success of achieving the Triple Aim relies on a few steps: Ideally, the three facets of the Triple Aim should be pursued-and achieved – at the same time, with the same gusto. How can hospitals reach the Triple Aim? The short answer is: as simultaneously as possible. By 2020, healthcare spending is projected to reach 20% of our GDP. The US health care system is the most expensive in the world when you look at our healthcare expenses stacked up against our annual GDP. Health equity should be added as the fifth element of a Quintuple Aim to guide healthcare improvement efforts, a recent Viewpoint article published by JAMA says.Call BHM today for a complimentary consultation: 1-88 or email The Triple Aim | Cost – Involve individuals and families when designing care models – Redesign primary care services and structures – Improve disease prevention and health promotion – Build a cost-control platform – Support system integration and execution What is IHI Triple Aim? Payers, especially those with little direct influence on health outcomes and patient satisfaction, find they must forge new kinds of partnerships with providers. To achieve the Triple Aim, health care organizations must broaden their focus to organize care to meet the needs of a defined population. How does triple aim Improve Population Health? Integrate behavioral health and social determinants of health with physical health.Build care management and coordination systems.Empower people and the care delivery system itself with information,technology and transparency to promote health.What you should know about health care’s Triple Aim?ĭesign the care delivery system with the whole person at the center. Others have done it, turning IHI’s Triple Aim - improving the health of populations, enhancing the experience of care for individuals, and reducing the per capita cost of health care - into the “Quadruple Aim.” For many organizations, the fourth aim is attaining joy in work.

triple aim healthcare

It also helps them focus attention on and redirect resources to activities that have the greatest impact on health. Pursuing these three objectives at once allows health care organizations to identify and fix problems such as poor coordination of care and overuse of medical services. How is the Triple Aim important to how we view health care delivery and outcomes today? How does the Triple Aim strive to lower health care costs? By reducing waste in health care and increasing the value of care. How does the triple aim strive to lower health care costs? Reducing the per capita cost of health care.Improving the health of populations and.Improving the patient experience of care (including quality and satisfaction).

Triple aim healthcare